She is the author of the book "Hooked on Raw" a comprehensive 358-page book on the raw/live food lifestyle. More than half the book is devoted to recipes and the balance covers many health-related issues, such as bringing wild foods and organic foods into the diet, soil fertility, food irradiation, genetic engineering of seeds/plants, hybridization of seeds, fasting, rejuvenation and much, much more.
Rhio lectures and has a "Hooked on Raw" show on worldwide internet radio station Tribeca. On the site she has many articles which tie in with the show plus others on various wholistic and raw food subjects, and also excerpts from her book. You can also listen to a recording of her Protein Series from her radio feature "The Fruit and Veggie Lady".
There are shopping, directory and link pages with plenty of good and varied info. And not to forget her recipes and events links.
Make yourself a cup of herbal tea and settle down for an interesting read.
Recipes of the Day from Rhio's Website
Hooked-On-Roots Salad
1 cup grated sweet potato
1 cup grated daikon radish
1 cup grated rutabaga
1 cup grated Jerusalem artichoke
1 cup grated beet
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds, grated
1 1/2 large avocados
1-2 garlic cloves, pressed
1-2 tbsp. lemon juice
Celtic sea salt, to taste (optional)
1) Wash the roots with a vegetable brush but don't peel, unless you see a part that looks bad. Cut all blemished parts out. Make sure the roots are not waxed. I've seen rutabagas heavily waxed, and in that case it is wise to peel.
2) Grate all the roots and put into a bowl. A handy tool for this job is a Salad-Shooter¨ (see Kitchen Equipment). Add mashed avocado, grated or ground pumpkin seeds (the SaladShooter¨ works for seeds also), pressed garlic, a squeeze of lemon juice and a dash of Celtic sea salt and blend well. Serves 4. Keeps for 2 days in the refrigerator.
NOTE: This is a delicious way to introduce raw roots to people who say they "just can't eat raw roots." (Experiment with other combinations of roots.)
Squaghetti With Garlic and Oil
1 medium butternut squash
4 oz. olive oil (extra-virgin)
4 cloves garlic (pressed)
1/2-3/4 cup Pine Nut Parmezan (see Cultured Foods)
Celtic sea salt, to taste
garnish: minced parsley
1) Grate the butternut squash into spaghetti-like threads with a Saladacco (see Kitchen Equipment). Cut the threads a little so that they will be easier to eat.
2) In a small bowl, mix the oil, garlic and Celtic sea salt.
3) Toss the Squaghetti with the garlic and oil until well coated. Add the Pine Nut Parmezan or a little minced parsley and toss again. Serves 4
Variations: To the basic recipe, you can add in other thinly sliced vegetables to taste. Try one or a combination of mushrooms, bell peppers, tomatoes, and basil.
Pine Nut Parmezan
2 cups pine nuts
1) Soak the pine nuts in filtered water for 8 hours. Rinse, drain and sprout for 8 hours.
2) Rinse the pine nuts, then place on a mesh dehydrator tray and dehydrate at 95° F for 24 to 36 hours, or until thoroughly dry.
3) Grind the pine nuts in a coffee/nut mill. Store the Parmezan in the fridge.
Yield: a little more than 2 cups. Keeps for up to a month in the refrigerator.
Hooked-On-Roots Salad
1 cup grated sweet potato
1 cup grated daikon radish
1 cup grated rutabaga
1 cup grated Jerusalem artichoke
1 cup grated beet
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds, grated
1 1/2 large avocados
1-2 garlic cloves, pressed
1-2 tbsp. lemon juice
Celtic sea salt, to taste (optional)
1) Wash the roots with a vegetable brush but don't peel, unless you see a part that looks bad. Cut all blemished parts out. Make sure the roots are not waxed. I've seen rutabagas heavily waxed, and in that case it is wise to peel.
2) Grate all the roots and put into a bowl. A handy tool for this job is a Salad-Shooter¨ (see Kitchen Equipment). Add mashed avocado, grated or ground pumpkin seeds (the SaladShooter¨ works for seeds also), pressed garlic, a squeeze of lemon juice and a dash of Celtic sea salt and blend well. Serves 4. Keeps for 2 days in the refrigerator.
NOTE: This is a delicious way to introduce raw roots to people who say they "just can't eat raw roots." (Experiment with other combinations of roots.)
Squaghetti With Garlic and Oil
1 medium butternut squash
4 oz. olive oil (extra-virgin)
4 cloves garlic (pressed)
1/2-3/4 cup Pine Nut Parmezan (see Cultured Foods)
Celtic sea salt, to taste
garnish: minced parsley
1) Grate the butternut squash into spaghetti-like threads with a Saladacco (see Kitchen Equipment). Cut the threads a little so that they will be easier to eat.
2) In a small bowl, mix the oil, garlic and Celtic sea salt.
3) Toss the Squaghetti with the garlic and oil until well coated. Add the Pine Nut Parmezan or a little minced parsley and toss again. Serves 4
Variations: To the basic recipe, you can add in other thinly sliced vegetables to taste. Try one or a combination of mushrooms, bell peppers, tomatoes, and basil.
Pine Nut Parmezan
2 cups pine nuts
1) Soak the pine nuts in filtered water for 8 hours. Rinse, drain and sprout for 8 hours.
2) Rinse the pine nuts, then place on a mesh dehydrator tray and dehydrate at 95° F for 24 to 36 hours, or until thoroughly dry.
3) Grind the pine nuts in a coffee/nut mill. Store the Parmezan in the fridge.
Yield: a little more than 2 cups. Keeps for up to a month in the refrigerator.
Tags: Rhio raw+food hooked+on+raw
Thank you for this timely (for me,at least)article. The doctors are still playing medical detective with Gray,my partner, who is having abdominal problems.
He has seen a Naturopath and the conventional MD's and specialists. He is waiting for a Ct scan (six months waiting time!)and in a great deal of pain.
At the moment, he is on a diet of no fats, no sugars and no wheat. And plenty of raw vegetables. So this link was right on target!
Thanks very much for the info!
LOL , I wish.
I'm fascinated by raw food but have never really dove in, even though I know it's a healthy approach--even if you don't subscribe to it 100%. I have an excellent raw foods cookbook--yet haven't tried any of the recipes yet. I just can't get beyond salads and crudities!
Thank you for the link and for the recipes involving raw food. I love the idea of incorporating more raw into our diets. I try, but seem to slowly revert back to the "usual" foods! Your blog and info reminded me to keep adding in the raw!
I agree with Gaia, you two do look alike!!
My DH eats a lot of raw fruit, and I do when my digestive system permits. We both enjoy raw spinach as a salad base almost every day, but that's about as far as our raw intake goes. I found this site very informative. Thanks for the link.
Squaghetti?? Awesome!! My friend Dawn also makes zucchini-linguini. Don't know how you'd put those two words together into one... :-)
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