
17 Jun 2006

Favorite Websites - Go Dairy Free

Go Dairy Free is a great site for vegans, for those who are lactose-intolerant and for anyone with high cholesterol levels wishing to cut down on dairy consumption.

It has tons of great info on how to cook, shop, and dine dairy free, while still promoting a healthy lifestyle. Features include product reviews, extensive grocery shopping lists, food label guides, recipes, and original health articles covering calcium, weight loss, and general milk concerns. There is also a discussion forum for any help you might require or to swop recipes and info.

Here is one of the great articles at Go Dairy Free

Potato Milk

Yes, potato milk is the new kid on the block! It is pretty much potato, water, and a bit of sweetener from what we can tell.

Taste: The verdict is still out. It doesn’t seem too far off from the “hearty” Soy Milk varieties.

Uses: I have tried it in smoothies, cereal, and general baking with positive results. Potatoes have long been used as “cream” for hearty soups, so it is expected that Potato Milk will be suitable for savory dishes as well. More kitchen “research” will help us to discover Potato Milk’s level of versatility.

To Purchase: Some may say that potato milk is still in the conceptual phase. Our Product List uncovered two off-shoots: Vance's DariFree Potato Milk Powder in both chocolate and original, and Tayo's Non-Dairy Beverage made up of a Potato-Soy blend in Original, Vanilla, and Chocolate varieties. DariFree is easiest to find online, while Tayo is just busting onto the scenes in the refrigerated section of major natural food retailers, and some major grocers. Since it is still in the newbie phase, you may want to try making your own with our recipe below.
Storage Tips:

Potato Milk will keep for 7 to 10 days; refrigerate after opening.
Making Your Own:

Since Potato Milk is so new on the scene, trying out your own at home is an excellent, and inexpensive, option.

Potato Milk Recipe

3 cups hot/warm Water
1 large Potato (equal to 1 cup diced)
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
¼ cup slice Almonds (for calcium)
2 Tablespoons of Honey or Maple Syrup to sweeten

Peel and boil potato in the 3 cups of water with a little salt. Reserve the cooking water, and add enough warm water to total 4 cups. Add the water, potato, vanilla, almond slices, and honey/syrup to a blender, and blend for approximately 5 minutes. Strain through a tea towel or cheesecloth.

If you enjoyed the article pop over to Go Dairy Free and rate it. There are tons of other dairy free recipes for you to try.

"Some people are uncomfortable with the idea that humans belong to the same class of animals as cats and cows and raccoons. They're like the people who become successful and then don't want to be reminded of the old neighborhood." - Phil Donahue

"A dead cow or sheep lying in a pasture is recognized as carrion. The same sort of a carcass dressed and hung up in a butcher's stall passes as food". John H. Kellogg


Tor said...

Hi Jackie,

Do you know how the nutrition information, specifically the carbohydrates, compares with skim milk? One of the problems I've always had with rice milk or soy milk is that the carbs tend to be higher than regular milk, especially if you get the low-fat versions.

Jackie said...

Soy milk is approx 4.5 grams carbs per cup which is minimal really. Like with all foods if you have normal portions there are no problems.

Look at Sophia Loren at 70ish who boasts that she lives on pasta which is full if carbs...I would give my right arm to have her figure :-)